Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Plato Dialogues in MP3

If you want to download some Twiki-sounding readings of Plato's dialogues, go here.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Bliki Wiki Link

Here is a link to the wiki - it is just a menu of helpful links that pop up here on the blog. I hope we all will use the blog to chat about our reading assignments; it seems like a GREAT place to share ideas. Thanks, Gregory, for setting it up!

Image Source

Thursday, January 8, 2009

More Ancient Greece/World MP3s

Here is a link to a UC Berkeley course on the Ancient Mediterranean world. There are several sections on the Greeks. I have not listened to them.

Open Yale Courses: Classic Greek History

Presented by Yale University, these are Open Yale courses which introduce you to ancient greek history. They are video and audio, I believe. There are 24 total available, and they are downloadable in MP3. Thus, if you dig audio books or learning while listening, this may be for you.


I am not sure if we'll use this blog or not, but it seemed like one viable potential in terms of having a place to post our notes from our readings.

Another option is using the discussion section of Ning and breaking into a notes section and unpacking section or something.

Or someone could set up a pretty bliki for all this stuff...